Revelations to NOT WORRY and move to CERTAINTY and Celebration


Hiya Reader,

đź’–Please do not worry, shift to certainity

This a pretty personal email and I hope it shifts you hope and fully living, and loving your healing process.

I'm in the hospital on a pretty critical situation with my crohns and not sure how long this stay will be. I went in on Thursday 2/6, had a colonscopy, and the sititation is pretty severe. Still awaiting results and some other procedures. The last few days have been lots of silence and praying. Please do not worry about me, I'm asking you try something new.

When you say you worry about anyone, weather it be about health or a situation, you actually weaken them and their spritual protection. In the same aspects, parents that worry about their kids career/purpose enhances their failures instead of gifts. Here's the 3 minute video to help you make this shift.

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đź’–If today was your last, how would you leave your legacy?

Everytime I'm in the hospital, I reflect on if today is the last day of my life, what would I do to fully experience it all and be in AWE. One of the things is to share with those I love and encounter their beauty and magic. In the hospital I face read everyone that is open to it and remind them of how how beautiful they are. Also how they are a hero for showing up. Our healthcare actually in a huge REVOLUTION and sooo full of possiblities becausse of the the 22-36 year milenials. Your kiddos may be part of this reformation happening. Take a look at their ears!

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đź’–Always Celebrate!

It's Superbowl Sunday. I do predictations every superbowl on who will will because of the years theme for them and their faces...its fun and pretty actuate. I know NOTHING about any sport. I do like to celebrate everything, traditions, holidays, and wins big and small. I hope you find this insightful. Would love to know who you are rooting for if its your thing.

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đź’–ACCCE life

Because of colitis, I developed a process called ACCCE over the years. I use it like 10x an HOUR because it changes things on the energetic grid almost instantly. It helps with pain, mental health, nervous system regulation, sending energy to yourself and others, magnetizing solutions to you.

I hope you take 20 minutes now to watch it and practice it. Do it with me. I am in AWE of how things flow to me when I need it. It will help you be ADAPTABLE, flow and SHIFT what is.

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Please share this with others to help with raising the consciousness of the world. It truly is full of OPPORTUNITIES for our evolution. It will be an apprecition for true community, contentment, clarity, peace, and joy.


In Service and Solidarity,

Thuy "twee"

Muse | Spiritual Ninja | Chief Happiness Officer


Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

With Chinese face reading, spaces clearing, and energy medicine I increase your LUCK in LOVE & LIFE. I activate your muse so you can flow with ease and live authentically with your elements. My spiritual ninja mission is to help you find peace in your head, heart, and home. Join 2600 people in co-creating our new realities.

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