Hiya Reader,

In times that feel like endless storms, we’re often summoned to step into our true element with authenticity. It's about embracing the breakdowns as gateways to breakthroughs. I know MANY of you are going through a lot as well. Perhaps you are in so much worry and uncertainity.

I hope this email gives you tools to be renewed and see the possibilities.

💖My recent breakdown

On Feb 6 I was hospitalized for 12 days where I almost had my colon taken out. I'm home now in a healing season, not doing services. Being STILL to HEAL. Not just physically, more so spiritually and emotionally. My current state.

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Behind every breakdown is a BREAKTHROUGH! I promise. You need these challenges to know who you are and want to become. It will lead help you to ACCEPT, SURRENDER, and ALLOW. I'm living more authenically and compassionately than ever. Also it is to teach you to do it with others. You are NOT ALONE. Community is medicine and expansion. You need a team, aligned people. If you are feeling alone, I'm here to walk this with you.

So here's your intention pause to check in and fill up, it's my LOTUS MUDRA MEDITATION. The first meditation I produced into an album with my first real breakdown. It's a beautiful woven guided meditation lining up your chakras with the story of the lotus. No mud No LOTUS!

🌸 It’s not just a meditation; it’s a 13-minute journey into self-discovery and healing that I have the privilege to guide you through.

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Whatever you are experiencing, I have faith the universe will provide your answers and change them for the highest good.

It's really an opportunity for you to consciously create the life you desire disguised as shit.

With the universal laws, there is always destruction before creation.

I'll be sharing more as it evolves but my energy wavers alot and need lots of rest. And here's my second tool:


Because of all my problems I found new tools and developed my ACCCE technique to shift the situation immediately, this is also my energy tool that gets me through everything. Practice it daily and things will align for you. The meditation is about BEING and this is about your mindfulness and DOING.

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💖Move from Worry to Certainity

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Then let go of the worry, it weakends your spiritual protection and takes you out of the NOW. The NOW is where you create your destiny unfolding for you.

💖Surrender & Asking

I got out of the hospital Tuesday Feb 18. I'm still very unstable with my Crohns. I have to be present to every moment. Many friends have helped me with cooking and everyday things as I'm very weak. My Central Serious Renitopy makes things very challenging to read and write. A friend is actually writing this for me as I guide her.

I'm asking for you your help with this Spotfund and your prayers.

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💖HelpThuyOverComeCrohns <-Link to donate

Please share this with others to help with raising the healing of the world.

With Gratitude, Hope, Faith, and Love,

Thuy "twee"

Muse | Spiritual Ninja | Chief Happiness Officer

Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

With Chinese face reading, spaces clearing, and energy medicine I increase your LUCK in LOVE & LIFE. I activate your muse so you can flow with ease and live authentically with your elements. My spiritual ninja mission is to help you find peace in your head, heart, and home. Join 2600 people in co-creating our new realities.

Read more from Face Your Life Through the Face Reading, Space Clearing & Energy Medicine

Hiya Reader ✨ Have you ever felt a twinge of doubt about sharing your true passions? You’re not alone! Just the other day, my 7-year-old daughter Bella poured her heart into a book about LOVE but hesitated to share it with her class, fearing it wouldn’t be liked. 💖 I taught her about the odds. There are 24 students. One third will like it, one third will not, and one third will be neurtal. So about 8, give or take a few, will like it. No matter what though, They are still your friends and let...

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Hiya Reader, 💖Surrender & Asking I hope you are well. I hope you are feeling the LOVE of this Valentine's/PaLentine's Week. This is a VERY personal email. With the help if dear friends I was encouraged to ALLOW FOR OTHERS TO HELP ME. I've been in the hospital multiple times in the last 2 months, the lastest now 9 days and uncertain to when I'll be able to go home. I sent out an email on Super Bowl Sunday about it. I'm still very unstable with my Crohns and its more severe than I wanted to...